

Headshot+1 pointKill enemy by hitting the head.
First Blood+1 pointGet the first kill in the match. Not awarded if bot kills bot.
x2+1 pointKill 2 enemies in 5 seconds.
x3+2 pointsKill 3 enemies in 5 seconds.
Multi Kill+3 pointsKill more than 3 enemies in 5 seconds.
Carnage+1 pointGet a 5-kill streak. Broken if you die or commit a team kill.
Slaughter+1 pointGet a 10-kill streak. Broken if you die or commit a team kill.
Massacre+1 pointGet a 15-kill streak. Broken if you die or commit a team kill.
Blood Bath+1 pointGet a 20-kill streak. Broken if you die or commit a team kill.
Spree Breaker+1 pointBreak an opponent's killing spree.
Dominating+1 pointKill an opponent 5 times without letting them kill you. Your dominated opponent will be able to see you clearly on the radar until they get revenge.
Revenge+1 pointKill an opponent who has a Dominating streak against you.
Penalties (try to avoid these)
Team Kill-6 pointsKill a teammate. No points are lost if killed by residual damage (burn, bleed, shock).
Suicide-3 pointsKill yourself without using weapons. If you kill yourself using a weapon, it counts as a team kill.
Drone-3 pointsGet killed by a drone. Only available in the Onslaught mutator.